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the weak-end

Man, what did I do today? A Saturday given as a gift is hard to pay back when all I’ve done with it is watch tv. Sounds like a lazy thing to do huh! Well lets analyze this for while..

It rained last night so the screen was all fizzy this morning. I opted for DVDs. Its still t.v. so you can’t say I didn’t watch tv.

Tossed in Amandla! The South African documentary about music and its impact, meaning and spiritual sustenance for the South African’s under the yoke of aparthied. The weight of knowing that their song walked with them to the gallows, after their song run with their children to the bullets of riot police and their song comforted their women giving birth in solitary confinement. The music that became violent, yet did not leave the base of their togues, the sounds that caught fire yet couldn’t lite the cigarette that calmed their nerves in the dead of night. A beat that was carried around unlike a weight, it hid in the cave of their mouths, a soul sound that fregmented light skined bones and solidified dark ones. A sound that freed a man and a nation while destroying an already failed people in a foreign land they think they owned. Music..

I was only watching tv..

After that one, I flipped in HBO’s biography! The channels on tv were still mush to say the least. Watched the bio of a dude get from nowwhere to everywhere with a sound curved out as a speech or two. Then see another people, this time with both shades of skin, make the descision to make history curve itself a new. What a person..people..combination of both! What a person to draw that out of them. I had no illusions Obama would rock, to be honest, I think everyone of us does. I just didn’t think he would get the rest of the states to rock simultameously. Yeah they are now loosing jobs and getting to live the rest of the worlds reality. But I think they are in safer of hands..God, and their own descision. Barack better live up to his name..

so,I said I was watching tv.

Slipped in Spike Lee’s Malcom X..now need I go on..

I like my tv.. should give her a name..wendeline! She talks a lot, I guess not naming here after people I know would be the least I can do for my friends.

So back to my weak-end, a -not convinced I am IT- self image. Sooner or later I’ll get to the facts and learn the world is waiting for me to change it.

You have your self a great weak-end to..of course, what are you doing with it?

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. July 5, 2009 at 10:01 am

    Amandla! was really something wasn’t it? …we’v got a long way to go in terms of reaching that production level but its great that local (kenyan) productions are finally being appreciated and celebrated.

  2. February 8, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    I just bumped into your site. Very informative. I shall become a follower. Keep it up

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